The material that we have created or have had created for us is made freely available for you to download. This material is designed to help you build and strengthen your marriage, to be used in a Christian marriage ministry and also to honour and celebrate marriage  during Marriage Week (the second week of September) within your marriage/family, your church and community. The resources available are conveniently split into two sections in the “Quick Links” column.

We have also gathered together material from across the world wide web as we do not like to see the wheel unnecessarily re-invented. The links and downloads are from well known sources. Theses resources are aimed at building healthy marriages and families, thus the transformation of communities.

We have not read or reviewed all content and would therefore be grateful for your feedback – please make your suggestion(s) through ‘Contact Us’

Please note that these items are available only for this purpose and that we retain the copyright of the underlying content. New items are regularly added. We hope that the resources on the Marriage Australia web site are a gateway to you having an effective ministry to marriage and marriages in your community.